Skating Competition at Kasarani Aquatic Park

On Saturday 20/07/2024 11 learners attended the skating competition in Kasarani Aquatic Park, we left school at 6: 40a.m and   arrived at the venue at 8:30 a.m. and the competition began at 10:30 a.m.

Prince Mwangi represented the under 12 years category and became position one, followed by Victor Njore clinching position 2 under 14 years race. Calvin Wafula grade 8 became position one followed by Jamal Israel in position two. Other learners tried their best and got position three and four respectively. All position one were awarded gold medals and position two were awarded silver medals. Our school was the leading team with 120 points and were awarded a trophy. This effort was a combined effort among Earlybird campuses, Kathome JSS, Kathome Primary, Kindergarten and Eastleigh Campuses. We came back at 5:00 p.m.

The following teachers accompanied the learners:

  • Antony Muigah
  • Job Wanjala

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