The Sea Horses Swimming Championship took place on 11th June at Earlybird School in Kathome, Machakos county. Teams that showed up for the competition were Zefish Aquatics, Swaminarayan Academy, Sea Horses Aquatic Centre and Earlybird School Swimming Club as the host of the event.
The event started at exactly 8.30 am. Learners arrived on time with their parents to cheer them up. The event started with warm ups, we had under 7 and under 14 participating in the heats. Being our 2nd competition we tried our best and secured the 3rd position getting a 2nd Runners Up Trophy. Sea Horses was the winning team and Zelfish emerged position 2 getting a 1st Runners Up trophy.
The gala ended at 3.00pm successfully. Learners were very excited and happy to receive their trophy.
What a pleasure it was to be the hosts of the event. Thanks to the parents for attending and to the swimming team for doing their best. The team is very important in our school.